2016/17 1st PRINT INTERMEDIATE images - Commended and upwards
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Spiral Stairway by Gerry Froy - 1st (Int col)

Walnut Spider by Peter Hodgkison - 2nd (Int col)

Twig and Sand by Ian Griffiths - 3rd (Int col)

End of the Day by Ian Griffiths - HC (Int col)

Moored Yacht by Gerry Froy - C (Int col)

Construction Reflections by Ian Griffiths - C (Int col)

Construction Reflections by Ian Griffiths - C (Int col)

Reach for the Sky by Ian Griffiths - 1st (Int mono)

On the Beach by Ian Griffiths - 2nd (Int mono)

Valentia Lighthouse by Ian Griffiths - 3rd (Int mono)

Spiral Staircase by Peter Hodgkison - HC (Int mono)

Big Wheel by Peter Hodgkison - C (Int mono)

Chain Maker by Peter Hodgkison - C (Int mono)