This Friday, Club members Norman O’Neill EFIAP/b, DPAGB, BPE5* and Tony Thomas EFIAP present a practical talk “How to do a Triptych and Panel.” We will get guidance and advice and see some examples of the finished work. Well worth attending to get some inspiration for the triptych and panel competitions on 16 May.
On Friday 14 March, Lindsey Bucknor OBE presents his talk “Beautiful Images”
Friday 14 March is also the hand in night for the 2nd Merit Print competition. Projected images of the prints were submitted at the end of February.
Dave Tucker EFIAP/p, DPAGB, CPAGB, BPE3* will judge the print competition on Friday 21 March.
On Sunday 9 March Telford International Centre hosts “Ultimate Dubs 2025” This is the largest VAG enthusiast’s event in the UK further information and ticket prices can be found at
Finally, MidPhot 2025 Exhibition will be at Smethwick Photographic Society’s Room from Wednesday 19 - Saturday 23 March. You will be able to see over 500 prints on display. Accepted Projected Images accompanied by music will be shown every day. For the full programme and admission prices see