Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 10 2024/25 22 January 2025

This Friday we welcome back former club members, Russell & Audrey Price, for a talk “Africa - A Walk on the Wild Side” You can expect some stunning pictures of African wildlife ranging from the “Big Five” through to birds and landscapes.  Russell and Audrey go to Africa at least once a year on their self-drive holidays so they are extremely knowledgeable on their subject. A night not to be missed!

On Friday 31 January, Mike Sharples ARPS, MPAGB, AFIAP returns for another print talk with “People, Places and Faces.” Another talk not to miss.

If you’ve entered MidPhot 2025 https://mcpf.co.uk/midphot-2025 then the closing date for entries is Saturday 8 February. If you would like Norman to take any print entries for you, please ensure he has them by Friday 7 February.

Finally, hand in nights for the next competitions are as follows: 2nd Merit Print competition, 14 March; Landscape (PDI only) and Nature (Print only), 28 March;  Mobile competition 14 April

Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 23 2023/24 17 July 2024

This Friday, 19 July, Calvin will lead a workshop about using layers in Photoshop. The workshop will be informal and interactive with demonstrations, explanations and discussions. You might find it useful to take a pen and notebook to jot down information to use later. 

Then on 26 July there will a second Photoshop on masks.

Both these workshops will be free to members and Tea and biscuits will be available to buy. This is your chance to get to grips with basic concepts of Photoshop and become a more proficient user. There are a number of tutorials on the club website https://wrekinartspc.com/useful-tutorials covering a wide range of photography topics that you may find useful.

The season will finish after the Photoshop Workshop on 26 July. The club room will be closed over the summer but there might be practical workshops arranged. I will send out information when available or you can keep an eye on the website.

The 2024/25 Season will open on Friday 20 September with an Open Evening and Exhibition of members prints.

Membership fees were increased at the AGM on 5 July for the 2024/25 season. The new fees are: Single Membership £40; Joint Membership £60; OAP £35; Joint OAP £55. The weekly fee will be £4 or £5 for a non member but this will include a hot drink. 

Finally, if you have any ideas about a subject or a speaker for the club programme then let me know.