2018/19 2nd PRINT INTERMEDIATE images (Col & Mono) -
Commended and upwards
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Returning Home
Returning Home by Ian Griffiths - 1st (Int col)

Afriacn Spoonbill by Rachel Owen - 2nd (Int col)

Two Taking Flight
Two Taking Flight by Ian Griffiths - 3rd (Int col)

Eyton Races by Rachel Owen - HC (Int col)

Post Sunrise by Sharon Leighton - C (Int col)

Seaweed by Ian Griffiths - C (Int col)

The Way We Were by Dave Roberts - C (Int col)

The Devil YouKnow
The Devil You Know by Ian Griffiths - 1st (Int mono)

Shapes, Shine & Shadows by Guy Kershaw - 2nd (Int mono)

Miner by Ian Griffiths - 3rd (Int mono)

Wave Breaking over Harbour Wall by Sharon Leighton - HC (Int mono)

Upstart Crow
Upstart Crow by Ian Griffiths - C (Int mono)