Wrekin Arts Photographic Club Newsletter 10 2023/24 2 January 2024

Happy New Year!

Several club members are ill with coughs, colds and covid and don’t want to spread them to others. I’ve spoken to Calvin and he has reluctantly agreed to cancel this Friday’s club meeting.

Hopefully people will feel better after another week recovering and we will start the New Year on Friday 12 January at 7.30pm in the club room when Claire Carter https://www.carterart.co.uk presents her Zoom talk “Studio Botanical and Macro Photography.” Claire  has visited the club in the past but now lives near Fort William, hence the Zoom talk! 

Claire has won 5 awards over the last 2 years in the International Garden Photographer of the Year competition, including 1st place in the "Beauty of Plants” category in February 2023 so she is well qualified to give us tips and tricks to improve our plant photography.

Visitors are welcome to join the presentation. Tickets are available via Eventbrite for £4 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/studio-botanical-and-macro-photography-by-claire-carter-tickets-774748572837 

Friday 12 January is also the hand in date for the 2nd Merit Print Competition when you can enter up to 3 images in each of the Colour and Mono sections of your group. Please submit an online version of the print through this link https://wrekinartspc.com/competition-links-organisations-and-club-guides where you will also find the competition rules.

On Friday 19 January Dave Tucker EFIAP/p, DPAGB, CPAGB, BPE3* https://davetucker.wixsite.com/tuckerpics/about-us will judge the 2nd Merit Print Competition.
